Creating a Better Future for Homeless Animals

Making lives better, one dog at a time
“A dog is not a thing. A thing is replaceable. A dog is not. A thing is disposable. A dog is not. A thing doesn’t have a heart. A dog’s heart is bigger than any “thing” you can ever own.”
― Elizabeth Parker, Paw Prints in the Sand

Have a Heart Animal Welfare Fund’s mission is to provide support to homeless and needy dogs in Ulster County. We provide food, emergency medical care, and spay/neuter services for shelter dogs and dogs living in low income households. Have a Heart Animal Welfare Fund networks with local animal control facilities to place abandoned dogs in loving homes. We are a 501c3 non-profit volunteer run organization. Your tax deductible donations go directly to the care of the animals.
Donations are gratefully accepted and checks may be sent to:
Have A Heart Animal Welfare Fund, Inc.
108 Upper Whitfield Road, Accord, NY. 12404
You can also donate with PayPal. Just click on the donate button above.
All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
We are a Volunteer Run Organization, we have no paid employees